About us
Training Workshops, Therapy Sessions in Australia and Online training.
Our Centre offers to develop art tools for therapists who wish to enhance their skills and practice across a range of clients.
The Center is proud of its strong experience in the field of Gestalt Therapy and its practice of awareness that has been the core method of ‘mindfulness’ learning for the last 30 years.
We aim to provide our services and experiences in the field of Gestalt Art Therapy as well, to enable and support our participants in a nurturing environment with respect, compassion and humility.
On this website you will find information about our Gestalt Art Therapy Centre.
We offer:
Workshops , they are recommended for all helping professionals wishing to broaden their knowledge and skills.
Information for private therapy sessions: Individual, Family, Couples, Children and Adolescents (ask for prices without commitment).
Articles related to psychotherapy and latest news from the therapy community.
Books on sale about individual therapy, group leadership, etc. (Virtual shopping).
Project development for your company training needs, conducting meetings or workshops on Effective Communication, Leadership, Coaching, etc. (indicate your need and we will develop a complete project).
Brisbane 4060
Queensland- Australia
Contact Mob: 04 21514907
Contact: gestaltarttherapy@gmail.com
We believe all people can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.
Gestalt Art Therapy would like to help you.
Gemma Garcia
Dip. GT, Dip Ericksonian Hypnosis, Aura Soma Therapist L2. Dip. Visual Arts, Dip. ECEC.
Gestalt Therapist
Gestalt Art Therapist CAT®
Creative Counsellor
Co-Director Gestalt Art Therapy Centre - Australia
Visual Artist. Art Instructor. Freelance Book Editor
Freelance Curator, Coordinator of Art Group Exhibitions.
Director of APE Brisbane (Art Performances and Exhibitions)
Gemma studied Gestalt Therapy at the Gestalt Institute of Valencia-Spain. She worked in the Emergency field for the Spanish government for 15 years - conducting research with groups of Firemen about the emotional impact of high-stress situations and combining the use of Gestalt Therapy and Creative Counselling with Art. Gemma is a trained Ericksonian Hypnotist from the University of Valencia (Spain) and she is an Aura Soma Therapist (L2).
Gemma is also a talented Visual Artist. She uses art as part of her process of personal growth, exploring new forms of expression and therapy across a broad range of art materials & mediums. She moved to Australia and co-founded the Gestalt Art Therapy Centre with Yaro Starak - The only Gestalt Art Therapy Centre known in Australia.
Yaro Starak and Gemma Garcia organized the First Conference of Art Therapy in Bali in March 2011 and are the organizers of the Second Conference of Art Therapy in Bali in July 2012.
Every year they are developing Art Therapy Retreats in Australia and Spain.
Spanish Training:

Yaro Starak
B.A., M.S.W, Adv. Dip, SW, Dip.GT.
Former Lecturer at the University of Queensland
Gestalt Psychotherapist.
Gestalt Art Therapist CAT®
Open Arms Mental Health Counsellor
Men leadership training
Author of books on Gestalt Psychotherapy and group facilitation
Co-Director Gestalt Art Therapy Centre-Australia
He finished his undergraduate studies majoring in psychology at the University of Manitoba and later his postgraduate studies at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He continued further studies at the University of Toronto specialising in adult education, group dynamics and supervision.
After training and graduating as a Gestalt Therapy from the Toronto Gestalt Institute, he became a faculty member of the Institute for four years. He later immigrated to Australia in 1978 to lecture at the University of Queensland.
Over the past twenty five years Yaro has been teaching and training various professional groups and Gestalt groups in Brisbane, Tasmania, Sydney and overseas in Sweden, Denmark, Mexico, Germany, Estonia, Italy and Spain.
Yaro has published and co-edited four books in Gestalt Therapy and Group Process, three training manuals and numerous articles in several international journals on group work, Gestalt Therapy, Family Therapy, Alternative Living, Men’s Issues and Deep Psychology.
He is an accredited Values & Leadership Coach and founding member of GANZ – Gestalt Australia & New Zealand – the accrediting body of Gestalt therapy training Institutes.
He is also a regular presenter at National and International Conferences.
Now his passion is Art and he is having annual Art exhibitions, also he enjoys writing monthly news at his blog "Reflections Yaro".

Our Mission
Supporting people in their difficult times, accompanying them on the path of growth, remembering that with " Hope" almost everything is possible...
We are all one!
Our Vision
We are completely sure that together we can create a better, more human, emotional, respectful and safe World.
And the change starts just with ourselves!